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  56. With an increased interest in veganism and plant-based diets, mushrooms have become a popular meat alternative thanks to their satisfying texture, umami flavor and low environmental impact. Mushroom farming uses less land and produces much less carbon dioxide than the farming of most other vegetables. King oyster and lobster varieties of mushroom can regularly be found battered and deep-fried as an alternative to fried chicken. But its role as a meat alternative is far from a totally new sphere for the humble mushroom – UK-based food brand Quorn has been creating its own extensive range of meat-free products using fungi-based mycoprotein since the eighties. In one of the largest and most rigorous clinical investigations of psychedelic drugs to date, researchers at Johns Hopkins University and New York University have found that a single dose of psilocybin—the psychoactive compound in “magic” mushrooms—substantially diminished depression and anxiety in patients with advanced cancer. Some people using magic mushrooms experience “flashbacks,” or hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD), which are reoccurrences of hallucinations long after ingesting the drug. The causes of these effects, which in some people occur after a single experience with the drug, are not known. There are over 180 species of mushrooms that contain the chemicals psilocybin or psilocin. Like the peyote (mescaline), hallucinogenic mushrooms have been used in native or religious rites for centuries. Both psilocybin and psilocin can also be produced synthetically in the lab. There have been reports that psilocybin bought on the streets can actually be other species of mushrooms laced with LSD. The weather is finally cooling down enough for mushrooms to make their appearance above ground. If you’re willing to take the time to learn the different species, where to find them, and how to identify them safely and definitively, and then you can be confident enough that you know how to pick psilocybin mushrooms in the Pacific Northwest.

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